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Cover Crops

Locally grown crops that can save on freight costs; cereal rye, oats, barley, hairy vetch, and forage peas. Many more species in stock such as brassicas, radish, rape seed, collards, clover, buckwheat, and grasses (sorghum sedan, millet, Rye grass, teff) 

Highlighted below are a few of our favorites.

What We


Hairy Vetch

Hairy Vetch is a winter hardy legume that will add nitrogen production to a cover crop. It adds tonnage and protein to a forage or hay crop. This drought tolerant plant is also good at out competing weeds. 


Spring Oats

Oats can be planted early in the spring for an early summer grazing or hay crop. It also makes a good cover crop to compete against weeds, reduce chemical use while adding residue, and holding moisture for chem fallow.



Plants in this family that I like are turnips, collards, rapeseed, and radishes. Their strong taproot helps break up soil compaction. They are a high quality forage for livestock; along with being high in protein.


Cereal Rye

Cereal rye will over winter and green up quickly in the spring to make excellent cover crop. It is good for haying, grazing or green chopping. It is an excellent choice for keeping weeds down prior to a soybean crop.


Forage Peas

Forage peas pair well with oats and add feed quality while fixing nitrogen from the air. 


Sorghum Sadan/ Millet

These summer grasses are the base of most summer planted hay or grazing mixes. They can produce a lot of tonnage on a small amount water.


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